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基础设施建设的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-10-19 10:07:02来源:互联网


construction of infrastructural facilities

Accelerate the construction of basic infrastructure
加快基础设施建设Information Infrastructure
信息基础设施建设Strengthen basic infrastructure construction to improve investment environment
加强基础设施建设,改善投资环境。Structural readjustment has advanced steadily, and infrastructure construction has been reinforced
结构调整稳步推进,基础设施建设得到加强Strengthen basic infrastructure construction and improve the hard investment environment.
加强基础设施建设,努力改善外商投资的“硬环境”。The hosting of the Olympic Games calls for huge amounts of investment in infrastructure construction
举办奥运会需要投入巨资用于基础设施建设。"all expenses arising from the using of the land, such as requisition fee, demolition fee, resettlement fee"

n. 建筑物;建造,构建;创建;解释

exoskeletal construction
骨架式建造术 a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity.
一种构造物;一个结构复杂的建筑实体。 hollow block construction

a. 基础结构的

Infrastructure works have been completed.
基础建设工程已经完成。 The infrastructure in this city is pretty decent.
这个城市的公共设施还是很合适的。First, we strengthened infrastructure.

n. 设施,设备;能力

reception/function facilities
接待/宴会设施 The facile answer is a multimethod approach.
最方便的答案是多种方法的普查。 social service facility

相关内容: 基础设施建设的英文怎么说 尚训网


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