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青岛用英语怎么说 青岛的英文

2023-10-12 10:47:40来源:互联网


(n) Qingdao
Tsingtao (old spelling) (city in Shandong)

Tsingtao beer brewed with mineral water enjoys a reputation all over the world.
青岛啤酒,酿自矿泉,饮誉五洲。She is now recuperation at Tsingdao.
她现在在青岛休养。Facekini is popular in the Chinese city of Qingdao.
脸基尼在我国的青岛比较流行。This summer we’ll go to Beijing for our holidays instead of Qingdao.
我们今年夏天去北京度假,不去青岛。Three singles to Qingdao, economy class, please.
请买三张去青岛的经济座单程票。This summer we won’t go to Qingdao, we’ll go to Beijing for our holidays instead.
我们今年夏天去北京度假,不去青岛。The ship is loading for Qingdao.
这艘船正在装货运往青岛。I’m Wang Lan, the secretary of the Qingdao Textiles Import & Export Corporation.
我叫王岚,青岛纺织进出口公司的秘书。The patriotic movement soon spread to Nanking, Peiping, Hangchow, shenyang, Tsingtao, Kaffeng and many other cities
这一爱国运动,立即扩大到南京、北平、杭州、沈阳、青岛、开封等许多城市。In addition to existing special economic zones, we might consider opening more port cities, such as Dalian and Qingdao.


Facekini is popular in the Chinese city of Qingdao.
脸基尼在我国的青岛比较流行。Three singles to Qingdao, economy class, please.
请买三张去青岛的经济座单程票。This summer we’ll go to Beijing for our holidays instead of Qingdao.


Tsingtao beer brewed with mineral water enjoys a reputation all over the world.
青岛啤酒,酿自矿泉,饮誉五洲。The world-famous Tsingtao beer features a clear and cool spring water with a richly satisfying aroma and a refreshing and pleasant taste.
享誉全球的青岛啤酒色泽清凉透明,味觉香醇爽口。The world-famous Tsingtao beer features a clear and cool spring water with a richly satisfying aroma and a refreshing and pleasant taste

adj. 年老的;陈旧的;古老的;以前的;原来的
n. 古时

The Old Mandarin
老官吏 You old misery!
你这个爱抱怨的老家伙!It is an old aphorism.

相关内容: 青岛用英语怎么说 尚训网


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