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偏差的英文怎么说 偏差的英文

2023-10-13 10:15:30来源:互联网



Thermocouples age with time and readings drift.
热电偶随时间而老化,读数会偏差。 Take care not to deviate
当心不要出偏差。Energy (variance) of the small-scale motions is not homogeneous
小尺度运动的能量(偏差)是不均匀的。A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.
偏差由于系统上的结果偏差而导致的统计抽样或试验的错误The departures of an actual image from the prediction of simple theory are called aberrations
实际的象与简单理论所预期的象的偏差,叫做象差。This azimuth motion is known as the ballistic deflection error
这种绕方位轴的运动称为冲击偏差。The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current.
(同步电动机的)速度偏差同步电机运行速度的周期性变化To compensate for this poor effect, molds are filled at high pressures.
为补偿这一偏差,模子充料在高压下进行。This azimuth motion is known as the ballistic deflection error.
这种绕方位轴的运动称为冲击偏差。 The admissible deviation is one graduation mark on the level.

n. 背离,偏离;离差;绕航

cyclical deviation
循环离差 aggregate deviation
综合离差 We will not deviate from its route and you will not deviate from my instruction.
我们不能背离它的路线,你也不要违背我的指示。Vice was a deviation from our nature.
不道德行为就是背离我们生活常轨的行为。Deviation is justifiable to save life or property.

相关内容: 偏差的英文怎么说 尚训网


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