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含义的英文怎么说 含义的英文

2023-10-20 09:27:11来源:互联网



Whats the meaning of the index lights on the panel?
面板上的指示灯含义是什么?Its concept is familiar to most people and intuitively clear.
它的含义通俗易懂直观清晰。 They sought the woods and revolved the oracle in their minds.
他们躲进树林,苦苦思索着神谕的含义。The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality of the tenderer.
货物、服务来源地与投标者国籍含义不同。Therefore, playing with the grass dragon helps get rid of insects.
因此舞草龙又有防虫灾的含义。In sorting,synonym for control word.
在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。Heit"s large eyes bulged and conveyed hints of much more than was implied by his noncommittal opening remark.
海特鼓起大眼睛,这比他那篇模棱两可的开场白含义要深得多了。AIDS is a severe medical problem with life and-death moral overtones.
艾滋病是个严重的医疗问题,同时还带有生死攸关的道德含义。The implication of the new legislation will need to be looked at.
新法规的含义需研究一下。The speech is very suggestive.

n. 意义;含义;意图
adj. 意味深长的

That was a mean trick!
那是卑鄙的诡计!A modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.
修饰语除了加强修饰词的意思之外没有实际意义。get money by dishonest means
非法赚钱, 得不义之财 The meaning of the passage is obscure.
这段文字意义晦涩。No stutter, maybe, but lots of mean.
不口吃,也许。 但是很恶毒。

相关内容: 含义的英文怎么说 尚训网


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