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读书报告的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-10-23 09:58:40来源:互联网


reading report

The English assignment is a book report.
英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。I"ll start out to write my paper tomorrow.
我计划明天写读书报告。Too many abstract statements made his paper very tedious to me
他的读书报告抽象的讲法太多使我生厌。Tom handed in a paper sown with grammatical mistakes

n. 阅读;读数;读物
v. read的现在分词

She goes to the reading room read pictorials and mag
三点她去阅览室看画报和杂志。Please mark item displayed in reading pane as read.
请在阅读窗格中显示的邮件标记为“已读”。He finds pleasure in reading.
他从阅读中得到乐趣。The communication was read by the host.
论文由主持人宣读了。He read a flag signal.

v. 报告,报道;记述;公布;告发,举报
n. 报告,报道;成绩报告单

confirmation of the report
传闻的证实 His report and your report disagreed.
他的报告与你的报告不一致。The auditing report and the evaluation report shall be announced to the public.
审计报告和评估报告应当向社会公告。The reporters peppered her with questions.
记者们向她接二连三地提问。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.

相关内容: 读书报告的英文怎么说 尚训网


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