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定型的英文怎么说 定型的英文

2023-10-24 09:55:12来源:互联网


finalize the design

Physics began to emerge from the more-or-less amorphous body of scientific knowledge as an identifiable discipline
物理学开始从或多或少不太定型的一堆科学知识变成一门范围明确的学科。With the front wrong side up, press just the seamline. Then press and shape the neckline over a ham.
前片反面朝上,先熨烫缝线,然后在折边上熨烫,使领口定型。Durable modeling
定型耐久Three-in-one hair styling mousse
三合一定型摩丝Ask the hairdresser for a wash and blow - dry
要求理发师洗头并吹乾定型Ask the hairdresser for a wash and blow-dry
要求理发师洗头并吹干定型.Then you could give styling to it with mousse.
然后你可以用摩丝给自己定型。In the case of uncertainty, the definition of rationality becomes problematic.
在非确定型的情况,合理性的概念却难以确定。He could write in permanent characters upon a stone.
他能把定型的文字写在石头上。The term "program" is not intended to connote complete rigidity

v. 最后确定;完成

This is the final paper.
这是最后一版的报纸。The book can finally be published after revision and finalization.
经过删定,这本书终于可以出版了。He finally surfaced at midday.
他终于在中午时醒过来了。Finally she drifted into sleep.
最后她不知不觉地睡着了。The police finally cornered the thief.

n. 设计;图案;计划
v. 设计;构思;计划;企图;当设计师

It is a linear design.
这是用线构成的图案。This room was designed for the children/designed as a children"s playroom.
这个房间预定留给孩子们用;留作孩子们的游戏室。The designer has designed this exhibition hall in a simple and unaffected manner.
这位设计师把这个展览馆设计得既简单又质朴。The design conforms with the regulations.
这项设计符合规定。The design is formed with triangles.

相关内容: 定型的英文怎么说 尚训网


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