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大多数人的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-10-24 09:59:07来源:互联网


Most people

They attach great importance to the opinions of the majority.
他们十分重视大多数人的意见。The political system will outlast most of us.
我们大多数人将看不到这一政治制度的消亡.It catches the plight of most of us in our hurry-scurry world.
它勾画出了我们这个忙乱世界上大多数人的境况。Most people agree that rolex watches are top of the line.
大多数人都认为劳力士表为表中精品。Fortunately that is not the opinion of the majority, or the government of this enlightened country could not proceed
幸好这看法并非为大多数人所有,否则这个文明国家的政府就无法开展工作。Most people fall by the wayside.
大多数人半途而废。 Most people keep Christmas at home.
大多数人在家过圣诞节。Most accept a thesis put forward eight years ago by Cambridge historian Correlli Barnett
大多数人都接受一Most people confess to have a bad memory.
大多数人都承认记性差。The right hand is dominant in most people.

n. 人,人们;人民,民族;雇员,支持者;客人,朋友;家人,亲人
v. 居住在,把...挤满人

They are the unworldly people.
他们是无俗念的人们。Compare person,persons,people and peoples.
试比较s,people,和people的用法The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.
将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。Could it be applicable only to people in the East and not people in the West?

相关内容: 大多数人的英文怎么说 尚训网


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