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颁发的英语怎么说 颁发的英文

2023-10-26 16:26:51来源:互联网



It was with great pleasure that I present you with this Grammy award you fully deserve.
我很高兴向您颁发您当之无愧的格雷米大奖。"Prison law of the PRC was promulgated on December 29, 1994 and effective as of the same date."
《中华人民共租国监狱法》于1994年12月29日颁布并于颁发之日起生效。The university issues certificates in journalism.
大学颁发新闻学证书。The new rules issued by the Ministry of Education are working well.
教育部颁发的新规定施行得很顺利。Refusal by an administrative organ to issue or to respond to the application
行政机关拒绝颁发或者不予答复The local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency.
本地安全颁发机构数据库内部包含不一致性。The value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority.
所提供的值是无效的标识符颁发机构的值。There will be no discount degrees, awarded due to half-cancelled courses, she promises.
她承诺将不会因为课程半途取消而颁发打了折扣的学位。 Carlos Nusman presents medals to Lopes and Franco on podium.
卡洛斯·纽斯曼向站在奖台上的洛普斯和佛朗科颁发奖章。When a plane has passed all the tests it can get a government certificate of airworthiness

n. 流出;问题;期,号;发行物
v. 流出;放出,排出;造成…结果;发放;发行;发布

Cloud the issues.
混淆争端 This is a moral issue.
这是一个道德问题。The next issue is reactor coolant system weld issues.

v. 宣扬,传播;公布,颁布

The king promulgated a decree.
国王发布了一道命令。Promulgate a belief,an idea,a theory,etc
传播信仰、思想、理论等.The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code.

n. 奖品,奖赏;奖学金
v. 给予,授予

They awarded the prize to him=The prize was awarded to him
他们赏给他奖品。It earned three Grammy Awards.
它赢得三项格莱美奖。She was dissatisfied with her award.

相关内容: 颁发的英语怎么说 尚训网


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