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没有办法的英文怎么说 参考例句

发布时间:2023-08-24 09:09:29来源:互联网


be hard up

Even the Muse of Poetry has to follow mammon around! I"ve no choice in the matter!
诗神也跟着黄金走,这真是没有办法!But Fan Po-wen was unperturbed. He just shook his head and said, "Can"t be helped!
范博文却不在乎,摇着头说:“没有办法!Eva Braun too, it seems, was often driven to despair by her lover, though not for the same reasons as Geli Raubal
爱娃·勃劳恩看来也常常被她的恋人弄得没有办法,虽然原因与吉莉·拉包尔有所不同。I guess it cannot be of help.
恐怕没有办法。I"ve turned it over and over in my mind, but still haven"t found a way out.
我前思后想,还是没有办法。The thing is done, and there is no help for it.
事情已经发生了,没有办法补救。 It "s so crowded I cannot look at any of the painting for very long.
人群拥挤,我没有办法好好看一幅画In despair she had dropped the subject for the time.
她没有办法,只好暂时放下这个话题。He was ill-equipped to handle the flashy showmanship of Birdsong
他根本没有办法对付伯德桑这种哗众取宠的手腕。I could not have returned or repaid it by answering grace and elegance on my part

adj. 硬的,坚固的;困难的;有力的;冷酷无情的
adv. 努力地;困难地;严重地,猛烈地

It is hard to conclude.
这很难断定。It is blowing hard.
风刮得很大。It was sleeting hard.
雨雪霏霏。To bear hard upon;press.
使痛苦不堪对某人施加困难;逼迫 press hard upon

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