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相结合的英语怎么说 相结合的英文

2023-10-09 09:40:07来源:互联网



The making of the warrior figures combined hand sculpting and moulding techniques.
秦始皇陵兵马俑塑造的特点是模制与捏塑相结合Various chemicals are then injected to combine with unwanted impurity which not burn out by the oxygen.
然后喷入化学物品,使之与不需要的杂质相结合,因为这些杂质没有被氧气烧毁。China has adopted the on-site conservation and off-site preservation methods to protect biodiversity.
中国的生物多样性保护采取就地保护和迁地保护相结合的途径。wed efficiency to [ with ] economy
使效率与节约相结合Combine Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine
使中医与西医相结合。The perfect merger of gracious service and amenity
精良的服务与舒适的巧妙相结合In sum, theory should be combined with practice.
总之,理论必须同实践相结合。Be devoted to the combination of traditional art of watch-making and aesthete innovation
忠实于传统的制表艺术与美学创新相结合。This is an important measure to integrate science and technology with economy
这是一项使科技与经济相结合的重要举措。Secondly, they always insist on combining vigorousness and agility in making regulations.

adj. 联合的,相加的;化合的

combination bevel
组合斜角规 Combination folder: A machine combining a knife and buckle folder.
混合式折纸机:结合刀式折和栅栏式折的折纸机。This combination is named the square of the
人们把这个组合称作“间隔”的平方。These are created by combining the primary.
这些颜色通过混合原色形成。It"s a transport combine.

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