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同感用英语怎么说 同感的英文

2023-10-10 11:05:02来源:互联网


feel the same way;
fellow feeling

I feel the same way and hope it stays fine the year round.
我有同感,希望一年四季天气总是晴朗。I feel the same way.
我也有同感Have sympathy with; feel for
同情;同感;赞成That makes two of us! She"s a low-pitched actress .
我也有同感,她是个低调的演员。Nixon and I agreed on the importance of Turkey, Pakistan, and Iran.
尼克松和我都同感土耳其,巴基斯坦,伊朗这三国的重要性。 `I"m finding this party extremely dull." `That makes two of us!"
`我觉得这个聚会沉闷极了.'`我也有同感!'I sympathize with her when she protested.
当她表示抗议时,我与她有同感。Nor was this the suspicion of the vulgar alone; it seems to have been shared by the clergy.
这也不单是庶民的怀疑;看来教士们也有同感He was sincerely glad to see his sisters, but in their glow of fervour and flow of joy he could not sympathize
他看见妹妹,打心底里感到高兴,可是,她们热情洋溢,流露出欢乐的心情,他却并没有同感。truman, he said, was sympathetic and seemed understand how hard the judgment had been

v. 同情,怜悯;支持

Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas.
住在那里的大多数人支持游击队。His parents do not sympathize with his ambition to be an actor.
他的父母不赞同他做演员的志愿。A Northerner who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.

n. 同情,同情心;支持;同感;慰问

command sympathy
博得同情 Your sympathy helps a lot.
你的同情帮助很大。I have much sympathy for you.

v. 感觉;认为;有知觉;摸索
n. 感觉,印象

feeling of efficacy
效力感 Has a feeling for language.
对语言有领悟力 You can feel the electricity in the crowd.

相关内容: 同感用英语怎么说 尚训网


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