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媲美的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-10-13 10:21:14来源:互联网



The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven.
欧文·伯林的音乐很难与贝多芬的媲美。The Scotchman made a jump that a chamois would have been ashamed of.
那位苏格兰人用可以和羚羊媲美的轻巧劲儿向后一跳。The Scotchman made a jump that a chamois would not have been ashamed of
那位苏格兰人用可以和羚羊媲美的轻巧劲儿向后一跳。This book can sustain comparison with the classics.
此书可与,经典著作媲美。Londoners wanted their Zoo to be as good as the one in Paris
伦敦市民希望他们的动物园能同巴黎的动物园媲美。Of all the flowers in the garden few can rival the lily.
在花园的所有花卉中很少有花能与百合花媲美。Few actors approach him in ability.
在才华方面很少有演员可与他媲美。End of their products can be comparable with other imported products.
其产品完可以与其他进口产品媲美。The stones and metals polished by our arts are not comparable to this jewel of Nature
经过工艺加工的各种宝石和金属是无法跟这个大自然的珍宝媲美的。"Historically, only Japan since the 1868 Meiji Reformation could match this pace of modernisation."

n. 衬托物,竞争,媲美

The obligor may avail itself of any set-off against the assignee.
债务人可以向受让人主张抵销。Spray powder (Spray): Substance such as corn starch sprayed to printed sheets to prevent set-off. See Abnti-setoff spray.
喷粉:喷向印张,防止反印的谷类粉末物质。Anti-setoff spray: Device on the delivery end of the printing machine to prevent setoff by projecting a fine spray of liquid or powder at the sheet.
防反印喷雾器:印刷机收纸部份的一种装置。它喷出微点液体或粉末于纸面上,用以防止反印。Slip sheeting: Placing sheets of paper between printed sheets to prevent set-off. Also called Interleaves.

相关内容: 媲美的英文怎么说 尚训网


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