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美味用英文怎么说 美味的英文

2023-10-16 10:29:48来源:互联网



Double deliciousness
双重美味Double deliciousness, double pleasantness
双重美味,双重愉悦Fresh, delicious and tasty
新鲜、美味、可口To indulge with rich food;glut.
饱餐美味;使吃得过饱delicacies pleasing to the most refined palate.
美味使好的味道兴奋Butter to butter is no relish.
黄油加黄油不成美味。And nobody brings around those scrumptious buckets of slop.
没人会带来一桶又一桶美味的泔水。 Chocolate Show Travels Far Beyond caramel, Nuts(2002/11/20)
巧克力秀超越平凡美味诱惑演绎传奇(2002/11/20)Banana Farm: Bananas make very tasty pastries at the bakery, or eat them raw.
香蕉树林:香蕉可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点,或者干脆就这么吃。For the fullest flavor, take them out about 30 minutes before serving.

adj. 美味的,可口的

The lobster is delicious.
龙虾肉特别美味。It smells delicious.
闻起来很香。a choice or delicious dish.
一件精选品或一道美味菜。 There is a delicious irony in all this.
这一切中包含了一种绝妙的讽刺。This is a delicious dish—liver and onions.

n. 味道,滋味,风味,美味;乐趣;开胃小菜;调味品
v. 品味;欣赏;喜爱;给…加佐料,调味

Butter to butter is no relish.
黄油加黄油不成美味。Butter to Butter is no relish
千篇一律的东西令人生厌Andrew has no relish for pop music.
安德鲁对流行音乐不感兴趣。I have no relish for witnessing cruelty.
我对看残忍的场面不感兴趣。Spices give relish to a dish.

相关内容: 美味用英文怎么说 尚训网


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