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对外开放的英文怎么说 参考例句

发布时间:2023-08-30 10:15:19来源:互联网


g to the outside world

A multi-functional, multi-layer and all-directional pattern for opening-up
多功能、多层次、全方位的对外开放格局The mainland is now following a policy of opening to the outside world.
大陆现在已经实行对外开放的政策。If it is to develop, it must persist in opening to the outside world and carrying out reforms at home.
要得到发展,必须坚持对外开放、对内改革We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely, to open up both externally and internally.
我们决定搞两基本点:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。China has basically developed a pattern of all-out opening to the outside world and its open economy has grown rapidly
中国全方位对外开放的格局已基本形成,开放性经济迅速发展The clinic is open to outsiders as well as employees and their families
诊所不仅对职员和家属开放,还对外开放。"It will open wider to the outside world, both sector wise and geographically."
中国将进一步扩大对外开放的领域和地域。In a nutshell, our economic reform means invigorating the domestic economy and opening to the outside world.
我们的经济改革,概括一点说,就是对内搞活,对外开放。We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely, to open up both externally and internally
我们决定搞两基本点:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放To develop the productive forces, we have to reform the economic structure and open to the outside world.

n. 开,启,(职位的)空缺,(正式的)开始;开端;首场演出
adj. 开放的;开始的;首场演出的

They are open to temptations.
他们容易受诱惑。 The flowers are opening.
花正在开放。an open package
未封上的包裹 It is easy to open a shop But hard to keep it always open
创业容易守业难"Will you let me open it?" — "Pardon?" — "Can I open it?"

n. 世界;宇宙;领域;世人;人世;天体,星球

This may be normal in the physical world, but there is no reason for it in the world of software.
在物理世界这是正常的,但没有理由在软件世界也这样。They wanted to revolutionize the whole world.
他们要在全世界发动革命。That are inexorably shaping the world of tomorrow.
这将无情地影响明日的世界。The world is like a fleeting show.
人世如白驹过隙。 There is so much infelicity in the world.

郑州成人英语 学校信息:励普教育在线培训 咨询电话:

相关内容: 对外开放的英文怎么说 尚训网
