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口信的英语怎么说 口信的英文

发布时间:2023-08-25 09:39:01来源:互联网


oral message

To whom did you send the message?
你把口信捎给谁了?The oral message was incorrectly transmitted.
口信捎错了。She panted out the message.
她气喘吁吁地讲出口信。The ambassador personally conveyed the president"s message to the king.
大使将总统的口信亲自转达给国王。The answering machine bleeped and I left my message.
应答器发出哔哔声,我留下了一则口信。There"s a message for you from your cousin.
你表兄给你捎来个口信。The same day, philomela read the message woven into the robe
同一天,菲罗墨拉读了织在袍子上的口信。Would you oblige me by sending him a message?
请你劳驾替我给他送个口信好吗?"Please tell him that I care for his message as much as for that," and Morris snapped his fingers sonorously

adj. 口头的,口述的;口服的
n. 口试

He failed the oral.
他口试不及格。The candidate will take an oral examination.
那个应试者将参加口试。an infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus.
由于链球菌所导致的喉咙扁桃体感染。 Fluency in oral and written English is a major requirement.
英语口、笔头流利是主要条件。EL usually stands for elevated railway in oral English.

n. 信息;消息;启示;主旨;寓意;电报;传真
v. 通知

These messages interrupt pain messages that are on their way to the brain.
这些信息阻断了向大脑传递疼痛信息的去路。 A message was flashed on his pager.
他的寻呼机上闪现着一个信息。 Send a message by radio
用无线电发送讯息;发报 cable (=wire) a message
打电报发消息 What is the message of the book?

相关内容: 口信的英语怎么说 尚训网
